Sunday, September 8, 2013

Cartas ao longo do ano | Letters over the year

Hoje decidi finalmente eliminar um dos tumblrs que tinha criado especificamente para cartas que mandava e recebia. Mantive-o activo durante algum tempo, mas com a criação deste blog não achei que tivesse muito sentido manter ambos (e também porque sou preguiçosa). Aqui vão algumas fotos que tinha publicado nesse tumblr.


Today finally I decided to delete my tumblr dedicated to incoming and outgoing mail - Travelling Letters. There wasn't really a need to delete it, but I feel bad for not keeping it updated. And since I've created this blog now, it didn't seem to make much sense to maintain both (considering I also update my personal tumblr regularly, and also have Instagram). Here are a few pictures of mail I sent over the past year.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I didn't recognise the letter you sent me at first because the branch you sent it with was dried out at the time it came here! So nice to see it back here :3
